Wednesday, February 28, 2024

How AI could save (not destroy) education


No one can deny how Artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting the education industry and shaping the way we learn. One of the primary drivers of the rise of AI here is the adoption of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) in the educational sector. 

Positive impact of AI in the Education Sector

1.Personalized learning is the new approach

One of the most significant impacts of AI in the education sector is how it has personalized the way we learn. Not every student is the same, their interests and IQs vary. 

AI provides to the needs of students by identifying their weak spots, analyzing their behavior and learning patterns. Accordingly, AI creates a tailored plan for the students to learn at their individual speeds.

2.Structured information is the key

AI delivers organized information enabling students to effortlessly access knowledge from varied sources. Through AI-driven systems educational platforms classify information for students such that it’s easy for them to locate relevant resources. 

For instance,

In business, data is organized to enhance targeted marketing campaigns and to create a more promising personalized customer experience.

In education, study materials and courses are organized for effective learning.

In personal life, individuals can reduce stress by organizing their routine tasks for better productivity.

3.Empowering the specially-abled

The adaptability of AI is such that it understands the distinct requirements of every individual and provides to them accordingly. Customized learning experiences are created using AI to match the pace of each student.

AI is significantly enhancing the lives of people with special abilities. Offering better resources to the disabled is one area where AI truly shines, similar to tailored learning.

4.Refined educational quality and high academic standards

A cutting-edge strategy to improve student engagement at all educational levels is provided by artificial intelligence. AI is able to dynamically change course content, deliver real-time feedback, and assess student engagement through interactive learning techniques outside of traditional schools.

5.Better accessibility

AI technology breaks through barriers like financial position, location, and handicap, making people more equal. Thanks to learning technologies driven by AI, young learners can access all educational opportunities regardless of their backgrounds or locations. For instance, with AI-powered language learning apps, students can learn a new language at their own pace and without the assistance of a teacher.


The affordability of AI is another advantage. Technology can reduce education costs by automating laborious jobs and enabling individualized learning for each student. This could reduce the need for tutors and teachers, saving both students and educational institutions time and money.

Negative impact of AI in the Education Sector

1.Job losses

In the near future, enormous levels of automation brought about by the rapid development of artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on the world workforce. Although AI has clearly improved a number of businesses, its advancement comes at a clear cost to humankind.

2.Curbed emotional intelligence

Artificial intelligence can make learning from data easier for machines, but it can’t exactly duplicate the human brain and its abilities. The level of analytics employed by the designer will determine how accurate the findings produced by an AI-powered system will be. 

3.Discrimination and inequality

The data that AI algorithms are educated on determines how objective they are. An AI system will be biased if the data it was trained on is skewed. This may result in prejudice against particular groups of people. It has been demonstrated that facial recognition algorithms have lower accuracy when detecting people with darker skin tones.

4.Privacy and security

Like any technology, AI systems are susceptible to hacking and cyberattacks. A successful attack on an AI system, however, may have much more negative effects. An attacker could, for instance, influence an AI system to act in a way that is unexpected or risky. Although All about education app development companies develop the best security possible, it is still susceptible to attacks.

5.Technology dependency

AI is nothing without technology. For accessing AI one should have knowledge about current technological devices like computers, and smart devices. This shows the clear reliance of AI on technology. So, if any student wants to connect with AI then access to these technical devices must be given to him. This will lead to declined problem-thinking abilities of students.

6.Incorrect Access to Information

Nowadays, there is no other option except for digital information. However, the students’ data could also be vulnerable to hacking, just like any other technology. Schools always run the danger of personal information being misused if it comes into the wrong hands. AI has all the potential to bring drastic positive changes in the field of education but it should be implemented with caution. 

Instead of replacing teachers in the classroom, AI should be used to assist them. Teachers should work with AI-powered learning tools for personalized education and feedback. Installing smart classrooms and introducing them to the kids is a good idea.


  1. Geni,

    This is an incredibly interesting topic. The rise of AI is going to dramatically affect many aspects of human life. AI and machine learning have been a controversial topic, especially with uses of programs like Grammarly. I took a speech class last semester, and the instructor was adamant about not using any online tools like this to assist in writing. I found this rule to be silly, though I had to follow it. But my thought was, what was the difference really between Grammarly and spell check in any other writing program? I liked how the video talked about integrating technology so that it can be a tool to facilitate better learning. Rather than holding onto old ways of learning and resisting the future.

    1. Hi Ashlie,
      Using programs that are helping students succeed, should be allowed in the classroom. Agree with you on "what was the difference really between Grammarly and spell check in any other writing program?" Grammarly is not a program writing for you, is just a way to check your spelling and grammar. As Sal Khan says in this video: "AI is not writing for you is writing with you." There are ways that AI can be used for the greater good. Thanks to AI, there are so many programs that can be used for students to succeed in their learning journey. We are using programs such as ReadMe or Equatio to help students that need a reader. Thank you for your comment.

      Best regards,


  2. Hey Geni,

    I got one word for this blog post, wow. Very well put together and thought provoking. This is something affecting every teacher today and I believe there can be very great positives if cultivated correctly. However, if education tries to make AI the boogie man I can only see issues in that route. Well done!

    1. Hi Brand,

      Thank you for your comment. Using AI in Education can have a positive impact on teachers and students at the same time.

      Best regards,


  3. Hi Geni,
    Great post you provided a great argument on a very interesting topic.

  4. Hi Bakey,

    Thank you for reading my post and your comment.

    Best regards,


  5. Geni-What a great post! We often hear (and think of) the challenges to AI in education, but as you point out, there are many possible advantages to AI in education. Like many things, AI is a TOOL and not inherently good or bad. It's up to all of us to make sure we use this tool as effectively as possible. And I would argue, that starts with an openness to the possibilities. Thanks for sharing some of those possibilities with us in your post!


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